    join the concert


    rat rave is a minecraft concert raising money for the autistic self-advocacy network, an organization run by and for people on the autism spectrum. they work to advance civil rights, support self-advocacy for autistic people, and improve public perceptions of autism.

    the concert will be played on our twitch channel and our discord server. there will be a virtual venue in minecraft where you can interact with performers and other attendees. check the join page for links to the twitch and discord and instructions on how to connect to the minecraft server.


    day 1 (january 22)

    7:00 - Icosahedron
    7:20 - chamington
    7:40 - Flannels + Universe Unfolded
    8:00 - JHL
    8:20 - salv the dog
    8:40 - Boxkitty
    9:00 - 4ether
    9:20 - Lady Saytenn
    9:40 - General Mumble + Koa
    10:00 - Nonnie
    10:20 - Pillowfort
    10:40 - Holidaykiss
    11:00 - Glass Beach

    day 2 (january 23)

    7:00 - meatiermeatball
    7:20 - Ghozt
    7:40 - ABISU
    8:00 - Ace Smith
    8:20 - nat riel
    8:40 - Phixel
    9:00 - Intersekt
    9:20 - ASCDRGN
    9:40 - ALIEN DAYS
    10:00 - Ricco Harver
    10:20 - Mood Killer
    10:40 - Aaron Cartier

    all times EST


    follow us on twitch
    join our discord server

    the minecraft server IP is

